Amidst a sea of more polished sitcoms, it started as a scrappy comedy about a gang of misfits running a dive pub in Philadelphia. The program seemed destined for obscurity. Nobody could have predicted that throughout the course of its 15-season run, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia would surpass expectations and grow into a comic powerhouse. From modest beginnings, the sitcom has grown into a cult favorite known for its shamelessly provocative pranks and blatantly irreverent humor, showcased in some of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
The bold comic style of It’s Always Sunny, which is led by the ensemble cast of quirky Charlie (Charlie Day), narcissistic Dennis (Glenn Howerton), clueless Dee (Kaitlin Olson), evil patriarch Frank (Danny DeVito), and deluded Mac (Rob McElhenney), is what makes the show unique.
They come together to form “the gang,” a group of individuals whose activities constantly transgress the bounds of decency and taste.
It’s Always Sunny has created many iconic episodes over the course of its storied existence, many of which highlight the gang’s tendency to get themselves into ridiculous situations and to act in a morally reprehensible manner. Every episode is a master class in hilarious depravity, from ill-conceived plots to foolish attempts at self-improvement.
We showcase the seven best episodes of It’s Always Sunny that perfectly capture the spirit of the show. These episodes not only showcase the show’s very bold and satirical tone, but they also reveal why the show has such a loyal fan base. Whether you’ve been a regular or a newbie to Paddy’s Pub, these tales will make you laugh aloud and cringe at the same time. Come along as we relive the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny that cemented the show’s reputation as a comedy powerhouse, where no subject is off-limits and no character is immune to jokes. And check out our rankings of the best episodes of Doctor Who, Black Mirror, Jeopardy!, and more!
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7. ‘Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare’ (Season 2, Episode 3)

The Reynolds siblings jump headfirst into the realm of government benefits in “Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare,” a classic episode that personifies the show’s bold humor as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. Dennis and Dee take full advantage of the welfare system when they see an opportunity to make easy money, but their growing drug addiction drives them further downhill.
Dennis and Dee’s initially planned scheme devolves into a chaotic web of bad choices and hilarious escapades as their pursuit of rapid riches intensifies. The episode skillfully blends dark humor with the gang’s recognisable lack of morality as it satirizes society conventions and individual accountability.
“Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare” perfectly captures It’s Always Sunny‘s tendency to examine the ridiculousness of human nature, from their mistaken attempts at financial stability to their ultimate decline into reliance. This is a perfect illustration of how the program pushes boundaries and delivers laughs that are both cathartic and cringe-worthy while tackling controversial themes with irreverent wit.
An important turning point in the story is presented in this episode, which highlights the Reynolds siblings’ determination to take advantage of any circumstance for their own gain, no matter the cost as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. The unforgettable episode “Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare” continues to cement the reputation of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as a daring and unyielding comedy.
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6. ‘Mac Day’ (Season 9, Episode 5)

In order to keep Mac (and his companions) from being utterly unlikeable, Rob McElhenny plays the role with an infectious combination of energy and frail ego. “Mac Day” is a celebration of Sunny’s karate-loving, Christian fundamentalist, repressed homosexual man-child as well as an investigation of him as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
Tensions soon rise when the group reluctantly consents to give in to Mac’s every desire for a day. However, when Mac’s charming rural cousin (played by Seann William Scott) shows up, the day takes an unexpected turn. This surprise element gives the group dynamics a fresh perspective and demonstrates how, to the untrained eye, martial arts and copious amounts of alcohol can seem cool.
We see a delightful mix of ridiculousness and character growth throughout “Mac Day,” as the group deals with Mac’s quirks and his cousin’s capricious pranks. The episode delves deeply into Mac’s mind, exposing longing and insecurities that lie beneath his strong façade.
Viewers are in for a rollercoaster of hilarious moments as the day goes on, highlighting the series’ skill at pushing boundaries and offering astute societal commentary in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. For both novices and enthusiasts alike, “Mac Day” is a must-watch because it exemplifies It’s Always Sunny‘s ability to explore complicated character aspects with fun and irreverence.
5. ‘The World Series Defense’ (Season 5, Episode 6)

‘The World Series Defense’ is a hilarious show that features a lot of Charlie’s crazy personas as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. In order to avoid facing legal ramifications from Major League Baseball, Charlie renames the team mascot from the “Phrenetic” and dons his famous “Green Man” persona, ready to outshine it. The ridiculous charm of the tale is enhanced by Charlie’s amazing ability to pass like a folksy lawyer.
The story is told using a traditional flashback format, which puts the gang in hot water right away as they try to convince a skeptic court that they deserve more than $1000 in parking charges. What starts out as a routine yarn about going to a baseball game quickly turns into a ridiculous story about hidden tunnels under Philadelphia and a series of unanticipated accidents.
“The World Series Defense” perfectly captures the irreverent humor and inventive narrative that are hallmarks of It’s Always Sunny. The episode devolves into a riotous examination of the gang’s collective incompetence and grandiose fantasies as they desperately try to save their failing business as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
‘The World Series Defense’ is a notable addition to the series’ rich comedy history, featuring clever dialogue, clever plot twists, and memorable character interactions. It’s evidence of the program’s ability to turn ordinary circumstances into extraordinary adventures, leaving viewers both amused and perplexed by the gang’s ridiculous activities in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
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4. ‘Frank Reynolds’ Little Beauties’ (Season 7, Episode 3)

In a hilariously uncomfortable episode, “Frank Reynolds’ Little Beauties” delves deeply into the ridiculousness of children’s beauty pageants directed by Frank Reynolds, making for one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. Frank enlists the assistance of his equally foolish colleagues in a series of botched attempts to administer the pageant after he unwillingly takes over from a disgraced person.
A sarcastic portrayal of the excessively sexualized aspect of pageantry is presented in this episode, as the gang unintentionally writes improper musical pieces for the young entrants. Frank, meantime, performs cringe-worthy stage banter that toes the line between ridiculousness and outright tastelessness while sporting unsettlingly pale makeup.
“Frank Reynolds’ Little Beauties” exemplifies It’s Always Sunny‘s ability to mock social conventions with unreserved scorn. It serves as a reminder that painful truths about human nature and cultural norms can be found in even the most ridiculous settings in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
The episode turns into a frenzy of absurdly bad choices and bizarre occurrences as the gang blunders through their duties as pageant organizers. “Frank Reynolds’ Little Beauties” is a daring example of the show’s unafraid investigation of taboo issues as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. Danny DeVito plays a guy in the show who is both horrifying and strangely appealing.
This episode confirms It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘s reputation for pushing comedy limits and providing laughs that are both therapeutic and cringe-worthy with its daring concept and razor-sharp satire.
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3. ‘The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis’ (Season 4, Episode 2)

Charlie, Mac, Dennis, Dee, and Frank are thrust into a naive plan to become independent oil brokers in “The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis,” a classic episode that embodies the show’s trademark mix of humor and social critique in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
Motivated by their extravagant fantasies, the group sets out on a frantic quest to steal gas and try to resell it door-to-door. The episode shows the gang’s incompetence in anything approaching respectable business in addition to parodying America’s reliance on fossil resources.
Every character has a brilliant archetype that comes through: Mac takes on the role of the self-appointed operation’s brains, Dennis depends on his charm (and dubious morals), Dee finds it difficult to be more than “the useless chick,” and Frank provides his own chaotic energy as the muscle. Charlie, on the other hand, is the erratic wild card, bringing a combustible blend of irrational reasoning and snap judgments to the group dynamics in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
Its ability to strike a balance between incisive social commentary and humorous ridiculousness is what distinguishes “The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis.” Viewers are treated to a rollercoaster of comically disastrous outcomes as the gang’s plot, naturally, unravels into mayhem and legal peril.
This episode maintains the reputation of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as a show that pushes the bounds of humor while exposing the absurdity of modern American life. It is still a beloved show, praised for its catchy dialogue, bizarre story turns, and the gang’s steadfast dedication to their absurd plans in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
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2. ‘Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games’ (Season 7, Episode 7)

‘Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games’ transports audiences to the strange and wonderfully competitive world of the group in a masterful display of humorous craziness. This episode, which takes place mostly within Paddy’s Pub, sticks out as one of the show’s most intensely concentrated and chaotic adventures, presenting the main group at their most insane, making for one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
The idea centers on the gang’s self-invented board game, Chardee MacDennis, which has rules so complicated and illogical that it seems to be made specifically to make sure Dee and Dennis win every time. A seemingly innocent game night quickly devolves into a marathon of strange tasks, trick questions, and ever-more-absurd penalties in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
The peculiarities and fears of every character surface as the competition heats up. Frank’s unbridled antics push the bounds of the game into pure craziness, Charlie’s erratic behavior adds a wildcard element, and Mac’s intense competitive spirit verges on madness. In the meantime, Dee and Dennis take great pleasure in their calculated deceptions, demonstrating their aptitude for psychological warfare.
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games” is a prime example of It’s Always Sunny‘s extraordinary talent for fusing hilarious antics with complex character relationships as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. The episode takes place against the well-known setting of Paddy’s Pub and plays out like a bizarre carnival ride with ever-higher stakes and deceptions.
“Chardee MacDennis,” with its brilliant idea and never-ending stream of ridiculousness, perfectly captures the essence of the program at its most chaotic and basic. It is evidence of the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘s lasting appeal and its unmatched ability to turn ordinary situations into hilarious comic gold.
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1. ‘The Nightman Cometh’ (Season 4, Episode 13) – Best Episodes of It’s Always Sunny

Charlie’s wacky song from “Sweet Dee’s Dating a Ret*d Person” becomes a full-fledged, absurdist musical production in “The Nightman Cometh,” a feat of comedy genius, making for one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. This episode perfectly captures the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘s tendency to take advantage of any chance for humor.
A frenzied mash-up of ridiculous backstage activities and rehearsals results from the gang’s passionate collaboration to produce Charlie’s weird fairy tale about the Nightman and the Dayman. The peculiarities and fears of every character come to the fore as they negotiate mispronounced lines, ignored signals, and ceaseless arguments about the contentious topics of the play in one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny.
Along with the hilariously bad rehearsals, the meta-commentary on the play’s unpleasant and gloomy subject matter also contributes to the comedy’s development. The gang’s ignorance of the problematic substance of the play gives layers of comedy to the episode, highlighting It’s Always Sunny‘s unwavering irreverence in tackling controversial themes.
“The Nightman Cometh” is proof of the program’s distinctive fusion of humor and psychological analysis as one of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny. By viewing Charlie’s obsessions and fantasies through the prism of a bizarre theatrical production, it provides a glimpse into his damaged psyche.
In the vast history of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, “The Nightman Cometh” continues to be a highlight due to its unforgettable musical numbers, witty banter, and examination of human dynamics. It’s evidence of the show’s continued popularity and its daring approach to stretching the boundaries of comedy while producing chuckles that are as outrageous as they are thought-provoking as some of the best episodes of It’s Always Sunny persistently demonstrate.
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