On June 19, Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 premiered, and a few people got engaged. The spin-off of the original Love Is Blind, the show has been incredibly well-received worldwide since its premiere. The social experiment follows a group of single people looking for possible romantic partners, just as its predecessor. One of the franchise’s most popular overseas releases has been the Brazilian version. Love Is Blind: Sweden and Japan are two more countries that have undergone similar global adaptations; UK and Dubai editions may be released soon.
There is a different format from the current Love Is Blind Brazil season 4, despite the format being the same. The cast of Love Is Blind Brazil Season 4: A Fresh Start is made up of individuals who are not dating, or marrying, for the first time.
The majority are separated, divorced, or in the process of ending long-term partnerships. Before couples met in person, the first batch of Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 episodes took viewers through the whole experience in the pods. Five couples—five of the fifteen bachelors and bachelorettes who participated in the experiment—left the pods with their future soulmates. For more, check out our review of Perfect Match season 2, the best reality shows on Peacock and Prime, and much more!
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Meet The Cast

Leonardo and Vanessa
34-year-old lawyer Leonardo Plácido claims to be looking for true happiness. He acknowledged that, because he deserves it, he hopes to be “happily married.” The 34-year-old’s infectious confidence has the potential to either draw in or turn off women. However, Vanessa Kurashiki, who had previously been engaged to a different guy but was never married, made a connection with Leonardo on Love Is Blind Brazil season 4.
Vanessa immediately established herself as a representation of intelligence and beauty. Vanessa sadly admitted that her previous relationships had ended badly, which is what made the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reality star decide to participate in the social experiment. Vanessa bonded not just with Leonardo but also with Rodrigo Knoeller.
The indecision did not, however, last for very long. The 34-year-old lawyer chose Leonardo over Rodrigo because she could see things more clearly after he gave her a tarot reading. Following their matching, Vanessa and Leonardo from Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 had a lot in common, including Vanessa’s early years and Leonardo’s phobia of heights.
Evandro and Ariela
After five years of divorce, thirty-five-year-old online salesperson Evandro Pinto is prepared to try marriage again. Evandro has two daughters and, despite living alone at the moment, aspires to meet someone who values family. It was therefore a match made in heaven when he got in touch with 34-year-old Ariela Carasso.
Ariela is a mother of a 9-year-old daughter, just like Evandro. She is nevertheless prepared for marriage and more children. Their upcoming engagement is going to be a real test of how the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 pair will raise a mixed family and how their children get along.
Patrick and Marilia
When Patrick Ribiero’s former fiancée broke up with him, he joined Love Is Blind season 4. Patrick claimed that his dislike of one-night stands served as his driving force for looking for a committed relationship. Renata Giaffredo and Marilia Pinheiro, two of the women in the pods, forged connections with the thirty-two-year-old traffic manager. In episode two of Love Is Blind Brazil season 4, Patrick learns that Renata and Marilia are not the same person.
The confusion may have resulted from the fact that both women shared a similar voice and were from the same neighborhood as him. Patrick started the first Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 love triangle by confessing his unwavering love to the incorrect woman. The two women received an apology from the traffic manager, who insisted it was an honest error.
After realizing that Patrick had made a true error, Marilia no longer believed that he was fabricating an excuse. Their relationship has proven to be worthwhile despite their turbulent beginning. Before he proposed to her, the two lovebirds had become very close while in their pods, talking about finances, having children, and even exchanging gifts during Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 . Patrick declared his certainty about marrying Marilla, who was eager to embark on that trip alongside him.
Ingrid and Leandro
The 33-year-old mother of two, Ingrid Santa Rita, made the bold decision to compete in Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 . Ingrid went to the pods rather than using dating apps since she said her last relationship was terrible. She was thus searching for the ideal partner for herself as well as the ideal family man for her two kids. Ingrid added that, despite having a child at the age of 19, she had never been married or donned a wedding gown in the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 teaser.
The architect met 32-year-old Leandro Marçal, a personal trainer and former soccer player, in the pods. Leandro was in a different stage of his life, having recently divorced. While acknowledging that he was recently divorced, the former football player declared that he was “totally over it.” It took them some time to get to know one another, but in the end, they warmed up to one another and became incredibly close. Due to their common ideals, Ingrid and Leandro became engaged on Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 . After they first met in person, their love grew even stronger.
Renata and Alexandre
Renata, a 33-year-old attorney, was a member of Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 prior to being in a common law union. Despite her past partner’s failure, Renata remained hopeful that the experiment would produce something lovely. Still, Renata was obsessed with appearances. She was hoping to meet a handsome, refined man who would make her fall in love, but she wasn’t fond of one of the suitors who claimed to like casual attire.
Indeed, it did. The first argument between Marilia and the tenacious attorney was over Patrick’s focus in the pods. The owner of an event production firm named Alexandre Thomaz, 34, quickly proved to be her match. Renata boldly asked Alexandre to marry her, and he accepted without hesitation. None of the viewers of Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 anticipated this connection. Renata had before come under fire from Alexandre for being overly fixated on appearances.
Episode 2 of Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 included Alexandre’s proposal to Renata. But the 33-year-old admitted that she had never dated a “chubby” person and that if Alexandre didn’t look like her ideal partner, she wouldn’t be interested in continuing a relationship with him. Alexandre called the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 star “shallow” and “too cocky.”
The Love is Blind Brazil Season 4 Reunion

Every Love Is Blind season has a reunion episode that fans usually look forward to the most. The Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion, which was filmed and released after every pair had taken their vows, provides viewers with an insight into the participants’ lives following the experiment as well as some very juicy insider information on who had broken up with whom and why.
But the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion episode that aired recently revealed a far darker aspect to romantic relationships than most of us would like to acknowledge. Even worse, it did it in a manner that was inappropriate given the gravity of the situation.
In short, Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 had to deal with a case of one participant sexually assaulting another, and when the horror of this tale surfaced during the reunion, neither the production team nor hosts Camila Queiroz and Klebber Toledo knew what to do.
It all began when a question concerning Ingrid Santa Rita’s marriage to Leandro Marçal was posed. Despite a few problems, they seemed to be one of the most stable couples of the whole season, so it came as a shock when they announced they were splitting up. Ingrid vented her frustrations to her ex-husband, including his unwillingness to help her with home renovations, after being handed a hammer to break her wedding day photo.
At the end of it all, she confessed to Leandro that he had sexually assaulted her while she slept for at least a week during their brief marriage and sobbed uncontrollably while she begged him to tell him what he had done.
Even by itself, the moment is unsettling and frightening. It becomes quite depressing, though, when it’s displayed without any sort of content warning and shoddily inserted between gags about Patrick Ribeiro’s baldness and Ariela Carasso’s exaggerated emotions during Love Is Blind Brazil season 4.
How It Happened

The reunion got off to a rather typical start. First to speak, Patrick and Marília Pinheiro disclosed that, despite their agreement to say no to marriage, they ultimately chose to stop their relationship for a straightforward lack of compatibility. Then, Muriel De Aquino Silva and Gabriel Kaled, a pair that developed following the conclusion of the pod phase, were asked by Queiroz and Toledo to briefly update the audience on their impending nuptials.
There were no indications that anything alarming was about to happen, and everything was just fine. It was evident that, similar to the audience, not a single other participant knew what Ingrid was going to say when she spoke during the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion.
“I thought that having three sisters would help you know what not to do when I chose you as my husband,” Ingrid said, narrating how Leandro waited for her to fall asleep before approaching her with sex advances. She also talked about how, in an attempt to avoid him, she went to the couch and began to sleep with more clothes on, but to no avail. Things became worse until one day Ingrid’s two daughters discovered her wailing on the ground and warned Leandro not to get near her.
Leandro never once confronts Ingrid about the rape accusations, even though he makes a point of refuting many of her claims regarding his lack of involvement in the restoration projects and the rudeness of his family. Rather, he only says that he is aware of the wrongness of what he did and that he has apologized to Ingrid, to which we reply: that’s not enough.
Leandro and Ingrid exchange back and forth until Ingrid, clearly terrified, chooses to leave the stage. Following that, Queiroz and Toledo give a lengthy statement outlining how seriously they regard sexual assault and how it is never acceptable. They gently ask Leandro to leave the stage as well now that Ingrid has left, announcing that they have to continue the show. Alexandre Thomaz and Renata Giaffredo continue by discussing their happy non-monogamous relationship.
Throughout the remainder of the Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion, hosts and participants debate whether Ariela was justified in being upset with Evandro for concealing one of his children’s identity, and they make light of Patrick’s recent hair implant. Ingrid’s narrative remains a ghost of the past. With such a horrific story reverberating in the background of our brains, it’s difficult to focus and enjoy the humor of these talks. Was there really no other way to bring up this subject?
What Transpired After Love Is Blind Brazil Season 4?

Naturally, this story has swept through Brazilian media and the internet. In a joint statement to the local entertainment website Splash Uol, Netflix and production firm Endemol Shine stated that participants had full professional support during the show’s taping and that “the presented claims are being investigated by the competent authorities.” “From the moment we received the news, we have been talking with and supporting Ingrid in all possible ways,” Camila Queiroz stated in the same report.
During the reunion, Ingrid shared her story and was embraced by her female coworkers. Marília and her eldest daughter Rafaela, a cousin she adopted to assist her escape an abusive situation at home, also offered support on social media. Even though all of this is incredibly touching—at least as heartwarming as anything involving sexual assault can go—it’s difficult to get over the impression that Ingrid’s narrative ought to be handled with a little more caution.
Even while the make-out moments in Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 can become a little hotter, the cameras aren’t always in the room when they’re sleeping or having sex. Unlike Big Brother, Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 is not a 24-hour program. Moreover, Ingrid’s attack happened after the cameras had ceased recording.
Other steps, though, ought to have been done in order to tell this kind of tale to a large, global audience. First, there could have been some delicacy in the filming and editing process; she could have shared her tale in a different part, maybe in a one-on-one interview with Camila alone, and then provided information on how women can seek assistance in similar situations.
The total absence of a content notice for those who could be troubled by memories of sexual assault is another issue. In order to provide viewers who could be disturbed by stories like Ingrid’s some warning, at the very least, a sign should have been put at the beginning of the presentation.
This would also aid in establishing the show’s tone. Nobody would be taken aback by Marília and Patrick’s antics, or even by Ingrid’s assertions about Leandro’s impotence, if they were warned beforehand. That is, until the bomb landed. The Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 reunion episode’s tone was affected by Netflix’s decisions not just for Ingrid and the audience, but also because it was difficult to maintain humor after such a horrific event that happened out of the blue.
Love Is Blind Production Issues

The fact that there have been previous allegations of sexual assault against the Love Is Blind franchise exacerbates all of this. Participant Tran Dang from American Season 5, who did not appear in the episodes, sued production company Kinetic Content in 2023, claiming that her fiancé had sexually abused her on site and that no one on the staff had intervened to stop him. Although her main grievance in the case is that she was groped against her will, it also addresses the working conditions on the set of the reality show, which is nothing new.
In an interview with People, Chris Coelen, the founder of Love Is Blind, said that no viewer has ever reported feeling unsafe or accused them of doing anything improper. Nevertheless, did Dang really need to say anything if she was assaulted on set as she claims?
Things are very different in the cases of Ingrid and Leandro. Yes, the attack did not occur on location. However, when it came time to explain what happened to the audiences, something went horribly wrong. Even though there was nothing the show could have done to stop Leandro from abusing Ingrid, in the end Love Is Blind Brazil season 4 failed her as well.
By forcing her to confront the man who had attacked her only for fun, they had turned her into a new victim. The takeaway from both of these tales is that the reality star treatment on set and the demands made of them to disclose their emotions and trauma to the public need to be addressed by the brand.
Love Is Blind Brazil Season 4
- intriguing story
- compelling characters
- true love
- production issues
- contestant abuse
- lack of content warnings
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